
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twilight PAAAAAAAART II Also Anti-Fanatism

Time to kill the hype!


Alright. So the Vampires can come out during the day, but not under direct sunlight. That's still ruining it, because, an umbrella, and poof. Daylight vampires.

Edward looks like someone who has never seen the sun-Wait. He hasn't has he? Even though he can come out during the day. But wait, he's been in his teens for only 200 sen-fucking-sational years.

And he's weird and crazy and stalkerish. He watches Bella SLEEP. Most people say that's cute. Most people have absolutely NO IDEA what their saying. That's not cute. That's creepy and stalkerish. He's insane. maybe it's because he was born in the 1900s. Or because well, he's been around for a looooooooong time.

And contrary to popular belief, Edward/Bella relationships ARE NOT IDEAL. It's a shitey relationship that no one should ever follow, because if they do, the police will come around knocking on your door and talk to you in that condescending manner.

'Alright, sonny, what have you been up to, eh?'

'...Twilight says it's ok...'

Somehow, I doubt that will work.

Because, most fanatics somehow lose their common sense when they become attached to something in a parasitic way, and it's uh...Rather amusing to destroy their fantasies when their at their peak. I know it's reaaaaaaaly fun watching them break down, cry, and most likely threaten to resort to self-harm which I know will never happen, because in the next three seconds, they will attach to something else.

It's like learning the biology of annoying parasites that thrive on sucking the life out of something else, only that this is much nicer to watch than watching a fern grow on a tree.


Yea, "Fern Growth demolition derby". That would work.


Back to saying how much Twilight sucks.

I can understand the gushing over how Edward is good looking, since it's from first person perspective, I write in first person and find it hard to stop saying how cool the character is, but still.


Please, I'm beginning to feel that he's smexeh even if he just picks his nose, wipes his ass, or just walks up to someone and bite their neck and drain their life.

And now for the other part of this post not in the title because I didn't want to type it out.

Sigh...I knew the day would come...Doomsday, the end of all things...

Alas, why is it so soon for me!?

My grandmothers relatives are coming, REPENT! REPENT ALL YE SINNERS!

Yes, from what I've heard they are that bad. Apparently they're supposed to be 'smart' and I will be forced to go to a meet-and-greet. I will be forced to smile. But I've already decided to look EXTRA-grouchy on that day, then probably be scolded, berated, punished by my parents and grandparents. But at least I will have the satisfaction of telling someone 'I don't need you in my life. I don't want to know you. And I really hate being here'.

I know, I am anti-social.

And I hate meet-and-greets, where I am expected to be very polite. Please, I'm 14, a fan of gaming, and a pure geek/nerd. What on earth made them think I would be able to go for social interactions? The only social interaction is chatting to people over MSN, or Runescape so far.




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