
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fwiday the Thwerteenth

You know that superstition that Friday the thirteenth is fucking unlucky (Fulucky?)

It's true. I'm living proof. Today sucked.

Even though I'm supposed to smile and go 'IT'S A WONDERFUL DAY! V-DAY TOMORROW! YATTA!'. Geez. I went more of a 'Shit...Valentines Day. That crap day once more.' I think the second one suits me more. =P

Felt Emo all day. Probably because my sister went back to NZ on Thursday, while I was in school, and my parents gave me the choice to skip school. I said 'No' because I thought I could still make it in time.

Guess what? I didn't. Go figure.

Well, at least she's coming back like end of this year/next year, or maybe I'll be dragged/forced to go to NZ during the June hols.

Anyway, on a happier note...


There is no happy note!?

Emo: No sirree.

Shut up. Didn't ask you.

Logic: Nope.

You shut up as well.

Ego: It's me, right?

No. Stop being an egomani-Wait. You are my ego. Go ahead and be an egomaniac.

Ego: Yeehaw~!


Probably won't be 'celebrating' Valentines Day tomorrow. Because A) I have no reason to, and B) I have tuition and TaeKwonDo.

I can always wait till next year. Then it'll fall on a Sunday.

Anyhoo, designed a few ships during school, AEGIS class Light Battleship and LYCAN class Destroyer.

I know, I was completely bored. But methinks I had better start paying attention. I'll need to take caffeine pills and coffee like they are drugs. DRUGS!

*Gets drunk from imaginary alcohol*

Any*hic*way. Have a *hic* good*hic*/Great*hic*/Shitty Valen*hic*tines day...

While I *hic* sit in a dark *hic* corner and *hic* inject myself with peanut butter...

*Sobers up*

Ok, that was the stupidest thing I've ever said. And I've said a lot.

Oh well..

Enjoy your Valentines Day while it freaking lasts. I'll probably be emo-ing till Tuesday, so my advice is to steer clear of me, just to be safe. I'm equivalent to volatile explosives when I'm Emo. Hate to see anyone get hurt...Again.

CSF (shall return)


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