
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stuff happens!

Wrong place, wrong time...

Isn't that the most common excuse ever?

Or was it wrong place, right time?

Never mind.

Okay, another rant post. What the hell is with people and the need to have a common hate?

In pri 5, that common hate was me. And there was no reason for that hate either. What the hell?

It's like:

Moron: Let's find someone to hate!
Moron2: But who?
Moron3: Damn....How bout him over there?
Moron: Hmm...Okay!

You know? Those morons deserve a bullet to the brain. And also an incendiary device to their face.

Maybe a knife to the heart, just in case...Some necromancer shows up and turns them into sparkly vampires.

I can stand normal vampires, they're cool.

But sparkly vampires? No freaking Way.

I mean, if a vampire walked up to me on the streets at night, that would be freaky, but normal.

Now, if some random moron walks up to you in broad daylight and says 'Your blood smells purdy...Lemme drink'. I think instead of running away, they're going to whip out a goddamn gun and blow his/her brains out.

What Stephenie Meyers was thinking when she wrote Twilight, I do not know. Nor do I want to.


Here's something I thought up of while playing Empire: Total war. Some thing about the fact that sometimes losses are like exaggerated.

Soldier: Damn...We Lost.
Soldier2: But how?
Soldier3: They kicked our ass, that's how.
Soldier: But they had 120 guys. We had 1,230.
Soldier2: Something's a bit off....
Soldier: Damn straight!
Soldier3: Screw that auto resolve!

Short, might not be that funny, but thought I'd voice it out.





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