Back from Hiatus
Fine, I didn't update in a long time.
Can't blame me for not having anything to complain about. I mean, this blog is like a list of complaints, from god, to the government, to the world in general.
So I decided to sit down and do nothing except play Sins of a Solar Empire.
Btw, I SUCK at Demigod. I'm better with those thinking, armchair-general strategy games.
Ego: I'm bored.
Subconscious: So am I.
Emo: Me too.
Optimism: *Gagged and thrown into a river*
Violence: Well, that was our last entertainment option.
Treachery: Yea....=(
Hey, I'm tired. At least I passed my 2.4, eh?
Tomorrow is auditions for the Destiny awards thing...
Gonna go and practise.
Okay, just gotta get this out:
Samuel told me that I was a gentleman.
And that's really bugging me.
Goddamn it...Ah well, if I am, hopefully it becomes those...You know, in stories, the Evil Gentleman? The Gentleman-Thief? No?
Screw you. Actually, no. Screw this.
I really have no idea why I wanna be evil in the first place. Maybe I shouldn't aim so high(low?) And go for moderately bad. Then start from there. Yea, start slow, then wham! Before I know it, I'm nuking some place already.
That would so work.
Do you know anyone who would voluntarily buy a Hitler Gnome?
Subconscious: What the fuck is this!?
Ego: It's the end, I tell you, it's the FUCKIN' END!!!!!!!
Optimism: Hey guys...I need to take attendance. Insanity escaped, and while he's being tracked down, I need to check who's dead or dying.
Ego: Okay...Lessee...Me, Logic, Subconscious, Emo, Pessimism, Treachery, Violence, Schizo, Psycho's in a corner crying, Feminine side.
Feminine side: Um...
Logic: We know you're too small to be noticed. Shut up. We hate you.
Feminine side: =(
Logic: ...Don't give me that look.
Ego: Anyway...Optimism, Despair...
Despair: I'm back!
Subconscious: You were never here in the first place!
Despair: Give me some credit, why don't you! >=(
Violence: Up yours, hick!
Ego: Continuing...Hatred...I think that's it.
Hatred: I hate you all. And I hate it that Insanity is pointing a giant OMG worthy lazor at us. I hate him too.
Ego: ...What...?
Subconscious: Oh shit.
Dear Diary,
If I slash other people, am I emo?Sorry Fatin, for accidentally stabbing you in the back...Literally. I'll try to resist the urge to draw my shiv from now...I hope. Depends whether Violence is restrained or not.
Treachery: Um...About that...
Ah well.
Ever feel like your life is going down the toilet, the same toilet everyone craps in?
Just asking. I mean, seriously, 'Going down the toilet'? Where the hell did that come from? I'd love to be there when they thought of the term.
Person1: Hey, you saw what happened?
Person2: I dunno, it was like, fwoosh! And then BAM! And then KRAKOOM! And then nothing!
Person3: Man...That sucks. Must've been a trip down the toilet for them.
PErson4: That would be some serious shit.
Really. >>
Ah well.
Life has it's ups and downs, I guess, and I'm experiencing the down bit. Damn Sine Graph life. Hopefully things will look up, but first, I have to work on myself.
-Kill Insanity
-Get over Social disorder
-Get social skills
-Stop being a knifing addict
-Resist the urge to kill
-Stop being a loud, obnoxious douche.
-Learn to shut up
I can do all those, but it's gonna take time, like, Insanity is now somewhere I don't know, and that's a really, really bad thing.
Subconscious: Alright, Delta team is taking the left flank, Echo is right. We'll move in down the center. 4 meter spread, silencers on. Comb the damn place.
...Good thing they're on it.
Logic: This is Echo, zilch here.
Emo: This is Delta...SHIT! WE'VE GOT CONTACT! SEND...ARGGgggHHH!!!
Subconscious: ...I did not hear that.
Ever feel like everyone hates you?
Just curious.
Okay, so I didn't update in ages.
Sue me.
Anyway, just a quick note: I'm not dead, contrary to popular belief.
Only my conscience is dead. See? I got Violence to shoot him in the head, then Insanity escaped and pushed him off a conveniently placed cliff.
Makes sense. TRUST ME.
Or don't, whatever.
You know what I hate?
Mood Swings.
They can make you seem pretty bastardy.
Hey, New word!
Anyway...Remind me to kill my emotions.
Like, Bang and they're dead. VIOLENCE!
Violence: Yes...?
Kill Anger, Sadness, Happiness and the rest of the Emotions gang for me. Get your 'Mafia' of two.
Violence: What's in it for me?
Hmm...Maybe Insanity would be more than enough persuasion...
Violence: Fuckkit. We comply.
I knew you would.
ANYWAY, on an unrelated note....
YEa, I heard Michael Jackson died. Sad, yes, a blow to the pop community, maybe...
Party at his house, which was supposed to be his funeral....NO.
I don't care whether he was a pedophile, a pervert, has enough plastic for him to be recycled or is an overall fucktard.
You don't hold parties at people's deaths.
Unless it happens to be someone like Hitler.
Then yes.
But anyone else, no.
Ah well...
'Only in America can you be born a poor black kid and die a rich white woman.' - Roflrazzi.
That's sorta true.
Except that MJ's not a woman...I think.
Ah well, shan't insult the dead any further.
Oh well
I hereby decree this post endeth!
Subconscious: Nothing happened...
Aw, come on!
Logic: Still nothing...Ooo...-1 to Ego.
Ego: Dude...I just lost an arm...I think that's bad, man?
Subconscious: No one's caring.
Ego: Come on, you guys love me! =)
Logic: You smell that?
Subconscious: Yes, it's that pungent scent of...
Ego: Of what?
Logic: >=) Bullshit.
Subconscious: Hell yea.