
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Exams? Phhft

The idea for exams is...How should I put it...F...Fu...Fu-something....

Fundamentally flawed. Yes, that's it. Damn you for thinking something else.

Okay, you give us a stack of 4-20 sheets of paper stapled together to complete in a specified amount of time, and will be graded.

If you pass, it's, "Yay you. Have fun."


...Yea. That's very encouraging. You get an A1 for raising our morale, exams.

And by A1, I mean F9.

You know? Instead of getting papers back, we're better off with a slip of paper going:

"Hey, guess what? You passed. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. So um...Keep it up, 'cause there's tons more coming your way. Cheers"


"Hey, you failed. Who knew? Anyway, since you failed, your life is going to end in tears, I just know it. Sucks to be you. You're a complete and total loser. Get over it, 'cause there's more coming your way."

Just thought I'd give myself a voice to this matter.



Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stuff happens!

Wrong place, wrong time...

Isn't that the most common excuse ever?

Or was it wrong place, right time?

Never mind.

Okay, another rant post. What the hell is with people and the need to have a common hate?

In pri 5, that common hate was me. And there was no reason for that hate either. What the hell?

It's like:

Moron: Let's find someone to hate!
Moron2: But who?
Moron3: Damn....How bout him over there?
Moron: Hmm...Okay!

You know? Those morons deserve a bullet to the brain. And also an incendiary device to their face.

Maybe a knife to the heart, just in case...Some necromancer shows up and turns them into sparkly vampires.

I can stand normal vampires, they're cool.

But sparkly vampires? No freaking Way.

I mean, if a vampire walked up to me on the streets at night, that would be freaky, but normal.

Now, if some random moron walks up to you in broad daylight and says 'Your blood smells purdy...Lemme drink'. I think instead of running away, they're going to whip out a goddamn gun and blow his/her brains out.

What Stephenie Meyers was thinking when she wrote Twilight, I do not know. Nor do I want to.


Here's something I thought up of while playing Empire: Total war. Some thing about the fact that sometimes losses are like exaggerated.

Soldier: Damn...We Lost.
Soldier2: But how?
Soldier3: They kicked our ass, that's how.
Soldier: But they had 120 guys. We had 1,230.
Soldier2: Something's a bit off....
Soldier: Damn straight!
Soldier3: Screw that auto resolve!

Short, might not be that funny, but thought I'd voice it out.




Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sudden shocks and Listing dreams


Okay. Turns out when I get angry, Violence takes over. So a little chat with the duo first, sorry.

Alright, I know you two are partners in crime but your senseless rampages have got to stop.

Violence: Look, man, when you get angry, I get some fun with your motor skills. Like stabbing something.

I know, I know, it's kind of fun, but it freaks people out.

Anger: So? Social skills is locked up in the cupboard.

It's been three years....How did he eat? Go to the toilet? Drink?

Violence: ...He needs those?

Gawd. Let him out.

Anger: But-


Violence: Alright, alright, we'll comply.


Social Skills: LIGHT! I FINALLY SEE THE LIGHT! Alright, now on to the basics of being social and a people person-


Violence: Yes sir!

Alright then, now, can I have your word that when Anger takes over, you, Violence, don't become the co pilot?

Violence: No.


Violence: Yes, maybe, best I can give.

I'll take it.

Say...What are you guys playing for my dreams?

Subconscious: Going to school, it's a classic.

Well, can you stop, it's gonna make me late for school one day.

Ego: We always have 'Story of your alter ego'...

It might help, what else you got?

Emo: 'Being an emo bastard.'

Ack, that's a really bad one. I give it a 5 outta a hundred. 5 for trying.

Logic: -


Anything else?


Subconscious: We could try digging into the library, see what we find. I heard they've got 'Transformers'

Aw, that's a great flick.

Logic: I think they have 'Mythebusters season 4' as well.


For tonight, try the 'Story making' dream, kay?

Subconscious: Alright, as soon as we find the visualiser in this mess.

Logic: I thought I told you to take out the damn thrash!

Emo: I did that last week! Ask Optimism, he's always game!


Emo: See?

Ego: Someone clear the table! And get the popcorn!

Well, g'night.

Subconscious: Shhhhhh!

Fine. Lights out.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh I...Do not see.

What's with people and the stereotype that sleeping in class is bad?

Sure, we miss a few probably important pointers, but if we try to stay awake, we won't be alert enough to concentrate anyway, either way, we don't get what you're saying.


Okay, random rant over. Thanks for the attention.

You know? I've had it with this.

This lousy, f#@%ing retarded blaming of computers for causing deaths.

Sure, a few people died playing games, but it's not like the game creators intended for that to happen, right?

Advertising guy: Hey! Our game is so good, apparently people forgot to live!
Advertising guy: Let's put it in our ad!

...Or maybe not.

Look, it's not the computers fault that people are dying from gaming. It's not like the computer's gonna go 'PLAY! PLAY!' and put a freaking gun to your head.

That would be interesting, though.

But, that's not happening. It's the idiots who play the games that causes the deaths.

Gamer: Yes! I beat the 174 hr of nonstop gaming record!
Gamer: Oh no! I forgot to breathe three hours ago! *Dies*

That's just retarded.

It's like guns. It's not guns that kill people, people do.

Wait...The guns help though.

Bad analogy.

Okay, it's not the Sun that gives skin cancer, it's the idiots who sun tan 64 hours straight that get the skin cancer.

See? It makes sense.

Speaking of suntanning, isn't the idea fundamentally flawed? I mean, people for some reason wants to appear dark. The trade off is the risk of skin cancer.

Idiot: Ohes Noes! I got skin cancer!
Idiot: Then again, I look prettier.

Bad trade off. Really bad.

If you wanna appear dark, splash black/brown paint on yourself for fucks sake.

Then again, you would absorb so much heat that you would overheat to death.


No, not really.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Rewriting History....Sort of.

Well, I've been playing Empire: Total War.

It's bloody addictive, I dunno how many times I conquered the damn known world already. And also rewriting history. That's always fun.

The Swedish empire? In my version, it got conquered by the Austrians.

The United States of America? In my version, it never formed.

I mean, history is important. I like it a lot.

Go history!

But after a while, it's fun to look at the what if's.

So Sweden had to be annexed. Also Poland, Lithuania, Spain and France. So now I have Austria as the World's only superpower.

Just played a battle with the Russians against the United Provinces. Guess what? Apparently having your cannons firing indiscriminately does not help. >>


Not feeling too well today, can't go for the TKD BBQ. =(. But I'm being forc-I mean made to go to WCP to eat dinner. Either that or starve.


Emo: What?

Violence: What did I say about speaking?

Emo: What? Shit-NO! PLEASE! DON'T SHOOT!

Subconscious: *Smacks Emo with an aluminum baseball bat* That wasn't shooting.

Violence: C'mon man, you did that twice already. Lemme use my Grenade launcher for once.

Where the heck did you get a grenade launcher?

Violence: Uh....7/11?

Logic: What?

And don't use it. One, it's damaging to my mind. Two, it doesn't look Swooshable.

Violence: What the hell is swooshable?

It doesn't look cool or aesthetically pleasing. Also it doesn't look like it can go 'SWOOSH!'

Violence: It's a 'Boomable' then.

Makes no sense.

Violence: What!? How does swooshable makes sense?

Hey! There are a lot of Topics on Swooshability. It's an important and major subject!

Violence: What are you talking about!?

Aerodynamics, moron.

Screw this.

I'm gonna go take over the world again.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lub dub

TaeKwonDo grading tomorrow.

Going for Black Stripe, so this is bloody serious. First my own Taegeuk, then a random one. Then kicking and sparring.

I am so dead.

Nervousness is really annoying. At least I won't be alone.

Violence: Never be alone.

Emo: He's doing that again! OH GOD, WHY'S HE GOT A GUN TO MY HEAD! NO! HAVE MERCY!

Mercy: You rang?

Subconscious: *Knocks Mercy on the head with a frying pan* Out like a light. Carry on.


Yea..Bad feeling about it. Always nervous during grading, so probably will mess up slightly. But then slightly is already too much. Damn it.

Logic: You need Ego, man.

Speaking of him, where'd he go?

Logic: You know your feminine side?

I have one?

Logic: Everyone has one. Yours was just buried six feet under. Anyway, Ego is helping to exhume and relocate the body.


Hey, wait a damn minute. Why was I so nice this whole week? I mean, nicer than usual?

Logic: Got me.


Violence: Ten seconds to give me my cash.


Violence: Whoops, I miscounted. I meant one second. Hey, someone help me search his wallet.

Subconscious: Oh, niceness thought it would be cool to be in control for once. And for some strange reason, you didn't try to stop him...


Logic: Ooooo...It's because of-*Gets shot in the leg* OWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

Violence: I slipped, I swear!

Logic: I'm gonna sic your worse fear on you! Insanity, get him!

Insanity: Yee-haw!

Violence: Where'd you get that nuke!? No, don't set it-

*Insert loud, terrifying explosion here*

Fuck this.

I'm going to go take over the world.