Well, thought I'd compile all my quotes and crazy sayings...
"Share the pain, horde the joy." "People are subconsciously selfish." "I can't prove there are alien life. But you can't prove the Area-51 doesn't exist either." "Go ahead and hate me, but say 'I hate you' to my face." "Can you prove that aliens do not exist? Until you can, I remain where I stand." "I can't change your mind. I can only give my reasons to try." "Trying and failing is better than doing nothing." "You might be high and mighty, I might be nothing more than dirt. But in the end, we all will meet the same fate." "Sex is not bad. It's the reasons for having it that are." "I hate people who cheat and lie. I despise those who cheat and lie and fail at them." "The death sentence is murder" "The Assassin is the one who loads the gun, who fires the shot, who plans the kill. But it is the employer who gives him the target."
And the funnier, less-serious ones.
"To be a villain, get health and life insurance." "I DEMAND HAZARD PAY." "If you don't think I'm right....THEN YOU SHOULD." "They say to be a thief, lurk in the shadows. Right. Lurk in the shadows and run into a wall from lack of sight. Smart." "It's only because I hate you. Nothing personal." "The word Love is not in my dictionary....It's in my thesaurus and rhyming dictionary, though!" "I have 10 types of personalities. Insane, and sane." "No one hurts me and gets away with it...Until they outrun me."
And now for something completely different.
"I hate you, and you, and you, and you, and YOU! WAAAAAAAAY at the back. Don't think I didn't see you." - What I always wanted to say while wearing my "I don't discriminate; I hate everybody" Shirt.
"Luke, I am your father's, mother's, brother's, daughter's, grandson's, brother's, roommate's, mother's, friend." - Aw, that so would have worked!
And that's all folks, see you next time.
Actually, what I meant was, shut up and get out of my face. Savvy?
Well, not exactly one yet, I only have two ships, but I'm hoping to make a scene of the opening parts of the Guadalcanal Campaign in World War II. Got two ships ready already. The USS Enterprise, and the USS North Carolina. Now I need to find a model of the USS Northampton.
And yes, they are all real ships. Like the USS Saratoga, USS Wasp, USS Laffey, HMS Repulse, HMS Prince Of Wales.
And I can name a lot, I know. I'm a geek. I play Bionicle and I spend my time reading about World War II. But I KNOW STUFF YOU DON'T HAH!
Oh, and I just finished my biggest lego creation yet...
Felt like any other day. I mean, I didn't feel older, nor did I feel any better. I'm still the same emo-ish, retarded scumbag I was this whole time.
Seriously though, being a year older does nothing except remind you that you are a year closer to your death.
And if you're above twenty and single, to quote something I read somewhere, "twenty years with no girlfriend, only interaction was through porn and dating sims...What an idiot." I think that was it.
And if you're a teenager/preteen, that you are a year closer to actually needing a job/biggest exam in your pathetic 'life'.
At least I got the awesomest B-day prezzie I ever got.
I was left COMPLETELY alone. My parents and grandparents went out for an early celebration for my Grandmother's birthday, and I got to stay at home! What luck!
Yes, I'm anti-social.
Yes, I hate social interaction
Yes, I have little friends.
Yes, I like being in my little corner of darkness, thank you.
Also, being a year older tells you that you are on the road to dying a death that was COMPLETELY pointless. And also, if you're elderly and you did ABSOLUTELY nothing with your life, then, congratulations, you just wasted eighty years of life, and the Grim Reaper is looking for you. Well done indeed.
For me, being a year older tells me that I'm on my way to complete failure and destruction. I'm just going to face the cold bleak reality: I am redundant, the world pretty much hates my guts, and that I'm destined for failure.
"The Austro-Hungarian empire. Famous for their FUCK ALL! And all they did was collapse like a fan in a cupboard." - Eddie Izzard, British comedian.
Yea...I'm reviewing my attitudes for only the past fucking 8 years. ==
P1: Hi, Wanna be my friend? P2: Hi, friend! P3: Who are you? P4: What do you want? P5: I hate everyone and everything P6: Do I have to really say it? Sec 1: I don't care. Sec 2: ...
And so on. Sec 3 will probably be: FUCK ALL! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Anyway...Found my 'Rock anthem'. It's here:
Underclass Hero - Sum 41
Really nice. Got a 'Us against them' feeling. I like those sort of songs, like you are fighting the world.
And my exams are going to be over soon. Tomorrow. Last paper. Maths.