
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Well...Second last day of hols..

Soon we'll have to go back to the place where the very life is sucked out of you and sent back to a mothership to power it's ZOMG cannon!!!@!#!$@!`1315413`~!!!!

...Ok, that was stupid

Anyway, time to go back to school, get the yearly detentions, then when the year ends, you realise how fast Time goes by. I swear Time speeds. And it doesn't get caught by traffic police. Bloody cheater.

Ah well, it's not like 'VROOM' and before you know it, you're dead.

Also, I'm gonna have less time on the computer, cuz my mom is going to disconnect me from the internet everyday at 10pm. That's either being over-controlling or being communist.

Anyhoo....Schools starting on a Friday. A
Friday? Great! One day of school then it's weekends! FFS, why not just give us the Friday, and start on Monday? But...[Accent=Singaporean]That is not the Singaporean way...We must always go by[/accent]

Ah well, back to practicing Guitar. Man, 'Master of the puppet' by Metallica is really taxing on my hands, and I'm not even at the Solo yet!

Also managed to play 'Gives you Hell' by AAR as well...Maybe I'll try tabbing my first song with 'Back to Me' by AAR. I can tell it's gonna be sorta difficult.

Ah well.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008


10 out of 11 kids dislike going to school.

1 out of 10 burned theirs down.

0.5 out of 10 went on a killing spree in theirs.

1 out of 10...I don't know.

It's that time of the year again, saying bye bye to the hols, and saying a very, very, very reluctant and forced hi to school.

Yep, School. The one thing most kids hate more than children. The one place where people with an unhealthy intimate relationship with a technological device gets their only social interaction.

And it's one of the few places where creativity dies.

Sigh...Today went for my haircut. Why must we have regulation length for hair!? To look 'sightly'? Geez, Come on! Looking sightly doesn't necessarily equal short hair. People can look sightly with long hair, believe it or not. True, dying your hair stretches that a bit...

Ah well, good thing is that there's friends to meet, being able to talk to real people...

But there's the odd bad teacher and enemy of yours you have to bear with. It's normal. Unless you kill them. Then it's abnormal.

Ah well, Carpe Diem.



Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thinking too much

What is life?

The animation of a corpse?

Or is it just a computer game played by a higher being? Maybe we are just a fragment of computer programming, and our movements, thoughts, actions are controlled by beings from another dimension.

Did aliens play a part in our evolution? What if they did? Do we, in one way or another, resemble them?

Is our very existence based on luck? Or was the path of evolution set down by a much, much more superior species?

Is there a God? Ask any religious person and they refer you to the bible, or their equivalent of it. Not good enough. With all this theories, do we NEED a God?

We, as humans, as inquisitive as we are, Need answers. We need a definite 'Yes, there is a god, life as it is was created.' or a 'No, there's no god, our evolution was by luck/It was caused by extraterrestrial life.'

Anything in between is not good enough. Everyone seeks answers. Everyone wants to know the meaning, and importantly, the reason, for life. Are we alone?

No one can say. Europa, Titan, they have water, ipso facto, they have a higher chance of life. Titans water is Methane, temperatures below -297 Fahrenheit. We are carbon-based. Can't there be life forms based on another element?

We need answers. Before the answers find us.

That was just to get you thinking about the fundamentals of life. Creepy, huh?

Anyway, 4 days left till school. Shiiiiiit. All through the hols I was complaining how bored I was. Now I don't want the hols to end...Contradiction...


Ah well, at least there are stuff to look forward to next year, friends, teachers to hopefully not piss off...Detentions, punishments.

Ack, as I usually say:

"Stuff happens. What is 'stuff' depends on you."

So, Goodbye 2008, see you on Wikipedia maybe some years later.

2008: Bye

Hey-ello 2009, hope you're not going to be a shitty year though I doubt it because of this fucked-up recession and stuff.

2009: Uh...Ok?


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another one of my SS's

Yes, I write. Now get over your shock before you die of it. Or maybe stop having a seizure or epileptic fit.

So...Here it is.

The Dark figure looked around him, trying to see if anyone might spot him. Nobody.


He leapt from the edge of the building he was perched on and landed perfectly on the adjacent rooftop. Once again, he looked around. His hand flew to the hilt of his dagger. It wasn't much, but it at least assured him that he had the capacity to fight back in case of an attack.

He slowly crouched-walked to a nearby trapdoor, and tried to open it. No dice. It was locked tight. The figure smiled, a sudden flash of white in the otherwise darkness of the night. He quickly produced a lockpick from one of his trousers pockets, and started picking the lock.

"Come on, come on..." He muttered to himself while he struggled with the lock.

Suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder, and a shiver ran up his spine. Had he been caught? There was nobody, and his dark clothes blended in perfectly with the night sky.

"Hmm...Little late for a walk, yea?" A voice said from behind him. Unlike the faked gruffness and grittiness of nearly all the authorities of the city, the voice was...Nearly calming. It was a soft whisper, but still carried a sense of authority. It was really neither loud nor soft.

The figure moved his hands away from the lock slowly and held them up. "Who are you?" He hissed. "What are you doing here?"

"No reason," the voice replied. "No reason at all." The grip on his shoulder released, and the figure slowly turned while reaching for his dagger. The being whom the voice belonged to was a rather tall figure, clad in white and black armor. A helmet encased his head, and just by looking at the emotionless faceplate was enough to make The Figure think twice about attacking.

"Wouldn't try that, if I were you." The stranger said, as if reading The Figure's mind and leaned against a wall. "You'll lose. And die."

The Figure cursed and dropped the dagger. It hit the ground with a loud clang. He had lost the element of surprise and his only weapon. "Who are you?" He repeated, keeping his eyes on the stranger.

"Good question.." The stranger mused and stared into the starless night sky. "Who am I, really? People call me 'Death', 'Destruction', 'The forsaken one'-"

The Figure interrupted him. "Spare me the poetry." He snarled. "Just tell me."

The Stranger shook his head. "People these days." He muttered. "Most of the public know me by my alias: 'Nightmare rider'"

"Strange name." The figure murmured. Then, in a louder voice, he asked. "So what are you going to do with me?"

Nightmare Rider shrugged. "Don't know. Can you keep a secret?"

The Figure smiled. "How much are we talking?"

Suddenly, in a lightning quick move, Nightmare Rider drew his sword and pointed it at The Figure's throat. "I let you off with your life." He hissed, and pushed the sword closer. "Unless you're saying you are willing to forfeit your life to not keep a secret?"

The Figure gulped and nodded eagerly.

Nightmare Rider nodded and sheathed the sword. "What you are about to see...Cannot be told to anyone." The Figure looked on, puzzled. Suddenly, Nightmare Terror prepared to leap off the building.

"You crazy!?" The Figure called out, but it was too late. Nightmare Rider stepped off the rooftop to the ground below. The Figure quickly looked over, and to his utmost surprise, Nightmare Rider shot straight back up and beyond, a pair of jet-black wings protruding from his shoulder blades.

"What the..." The Figure started but trailed off. He looked at Nightmare Rider. He looked back, nodded, then shot off into the sky.

"Holy..." The Figure started but trailed off. He quickly grabbed his dagger and lockpick and made haste back to his home.

Yes, just a bit from the full story, Yes, I write full stories, up to chapter 3 already. Around 2 drafts for each chapter, had 10 diff. draft ideas for the prologue.


Ze Reccesion

Everyone's head at least once, someone bitching about the recession.

About people losing jobs, people becoming poor hobos, all that jazz...George Bush not becoming preside-

Wait, that has nothing to do with it.

Or does it?


I smell conspiracy...Or is that just me? *sniff* Nope, conspiracy.


...Okeeeeeaaaay....Ignore that.

Anyway, instead of whining, here are some ways to help the with getting over the recession.

1. Do your part, revert to the Stone age, start hunting instead of buying food. Build your own home by chopping wood, start rearing livestock then murdering them for fun. For entertainment, watch 'Fern Growth demolition derby', or 'The Amazing Race: Stay-at-home-because-you-are-a-lazy-bastard edition'

But remember to go to a place devoid of life and away from civilization, and if the authorities knock on your door, remember, they got no nut'in on ya.

2. Instead of using power from power plants, go back to the time where power meant someone running on a hamster wheel. Maybe even get some of your enemies to run on the wheel to generate power.

3. Remember, your body produces energy. Farting continuously for around 7 years gives you enough energy to equal an atomic bomb. Think about it! Harness that energy and you can have fart-powered power stations!

4. Also, since so much money is spent on repairing the damage from the greenhouse effect, do your part to help. Stop using cars, stop using all technology, and stop breathing to reduce your Co2 footprint. Also, this method helps with dealing with the expanding population problem as well! Double whammy.

5. Also, because of the population problem, and the money it costs to have kids. Simple solution, stop having wild sex and orgies. And don't have SWS. It's the main cause of STDs. Sex While Stupid kills, and creates a whole lotta problems.

That's all I have for today, stay tuned for more pointless solutions to problems that don't really matter!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas...I think

People associate Christmas with happiness, joy, a day devoid of all sorrow...

I, for one, beg to differ. The last thing I wanted to do was to leave the house on a Christmas day. So my mom forced me to leave the house, on grounds that I haven't been out for days. *Grumbles*

Luckily it wasn't too crowded in the outside world. And also I got USS Baltimore, American Heavy Cruiser of WWII.

Then got home...And you know the rest.

Anyway, don't know why people associate X'mas with happiness, because, right now, what I want more than anything is to have a 'Last scene of an episode of house' moment, you know, Sitting in a chair, feet raised and resting on a table, lights dimmed, a drink by your side, and soft, slow music playing while you don't notice it while you collect your thoughts in silence.

Problem is, life ain't TV, and we'll always here the music, even though the telly shows the Characters not caring.

So right now I'm in me room, in front of the computer, with dim lighting and raising my feet and resting them on my work-table, and tilting my head back while writing this. Sounds very, very surreal, but it's possible. The silence is just too calming to be true.

"Silent...Too silent..." *Bang!* "Alright, not it's too loud."

...Though I think things could get worse.

And so, *hic* I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a crappy-I mean happy new year.



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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Twilight PAAAAAAAART II Also Anti-Fanatism

Time to kill the hype!


Alright. So the Vampires can come out during the day, but not under direct sunlight. That's still ruining it, because, an umbrella, and poof. Daylight vampires.

Edward looks like someone who has never seen the sun-Wait. He hasn't has he? Even though he can come out during the day. But wait, he's been in his teens for only 200 sen-fucking-sational years.

And he's weird and crazy and stalkerish. He watches Bella SLEEP. Most people say that's cute. Most people have absolutely NO IDEA what their saying. That's not cute. That's creepy and stalkerish. He's insane. maybe it's because he was born in the 1900s. Or because well, he's been around for a looooooooong time.

And contrary to popular belief, Edward/Bella relationships ARE NOT IDEAL. It's a shitey relationship that no one should ever follow, because if they do, the police will come around knocking on your door and talk to you in that condescending manner.

'Alright, sonny, what have you been up to, eh?'

'...Twilight says it's ok...'

Somehow, I doubt that will work.

Because, most fanatics somehow lose their common sense when they become attached to something in a parasitic way, and it's uh...Rather amusing to destroy their fantasies when their at their peak. I know it's reaaaaaaaly fun watching them break down, cry, and most likely threaten to resort to self-harm which I know will never happen, because in the next three seconds, they will attach to something else.

It's like learning the biology of annoying parasites that thrive on sucking the life out of something else, only that this is much nicer to watch than watching a fern grow on a tree.


Yea, "Fern Growth demolition derby". That would work.


Back to saying how much Twilight sucks.

I can understand the gushing over how Edward is good looking, since it's from first person perspective, I write in first person and find it hard to stop saying how cool the character is, but still.


Please, I'm beginning to feel that he's smexeh even if he just picks his nose, wipes his ass, or just walks up to someone and bite their neck and drain their life.

And now for the other part of this post not in the title because I didn't want to type it out.

Sigh...I knew the day would come...Doomsday, the end of all things...

Alas, why is it so soon for me!?

My grandmothers relatives are coming, REPENT! REPENT ALL YE SINNERS!

Yes, from what I've heard they are that bad. Apparently they're supposed to be 'smart' and I will be forced to go to a meet-and-greet. I will be forced to smile. But I've already decided to look EXTRA-grouchy on that day, then probably be scolded, berated, punished by my parents and grandparents. But at least I will have the satisfaction of telling someone 'I don't need you in my life. I don't want to know you. And I really hate being here'.

I know, I am anti-social.

And I hate meet-and-greets, where I am expected to be very polite. Please, I'm 14, a fan of gaming, and a pure geek/nerd. What on earth made them think I would be able to go for social interactions? The only social interaction is chatting to people over MSN, or Runescape so far.



Monday, December 22, 2008

It's a proven fact that fangirls/fanboys...Actually, that's a term that's too good for them. FANATICS. That's the word. Or, as I like to call 'em, Marauding Fanatics.

A normal fanatic is ok as long as they don't try to drill their fascination into your head 24/7. Now, a marauding fanatic is someone who would proclaim themselves a 'ZOMG IMMA A BIGGEST FAN OF *insert subject here*" because 'everybody' loves the whatever it is.

That's stupid.

In fact, that's worse that stupid.

That's downright moronic, idiotic, and stupidity in it's prime.

Twilight is the latest example. I can tell you, most of the people who say they are fans now probably never heard of the series until they started plastering the posters EVERYWHERE.


If anyone want's to read about vampires, read stories that portray vampires CORRECTLY. Ok, fine, there is no completely right way a vampire should be. But at least respect the traits of a vampire that's been there for centuries.

I mean, if someone said that a ghost is actually not transparent and corporeal, how is it a ghost anymore in traditional sense.

And don't fucking call me a traditionalist. It's because traditional vampires are the ONLY vampires. Sure, go ahead, do minor changes like 'Oh, a vampire CAN come out during the day, but it's powers are decreased'.

Not, 'A Vampire can come out during the day and be SUPER powerful.'

Twilight is going to have a new book out, and I swear, I will be ready when that day comes to combat it.

I resteth my case


Sunday, December 21, 2008


All right. Time to kill the hype.

Let me show where I stand first: From what I have read, it's writing is horrible. Not down to atrocious, that would be evil. But it's bad writing. Fine. It's in first person. but would it kill to stop mentioning how smexeh Edward Cullen is? I mean, sure, it's from the blinded-by-love lead lady, but please, stop gushing at how hawt E.C. is. And, F.Y.I, it's not ok to fall in love with someone who '
admits to her face he feels urges to kill' you. (Words in inverted commas paraphrased from someone's paragraph.)

And here is, from what I find, the best Anti-Twilight paragraph:

There is a lot wrong with Stephanie Meyer's writing. Annoying, one-dimensional characters, overused and redundant adjectives, a disturbingly sick and obsessive relationship, and the most disgustingly blatant Mary Sue since Stephen Dedalus. Not to mention the fact that a love story that is supposedly about seeing inner beauty is impossible to take seriously when the writer can't stop gushing over how gorgeous and pretty and beautiful and hot and sexy and graceful and attractive Edward is. It's also worth noting the fact that it ignores pretty much all accepted ideas of vampirism, removing every single weakness and curse vampirism entails, from holy water to sunlight to the need to drink human blood, and replaces them with...random superpowers. Then there's the utterly twisted plot points, like Bella marrying and getting pregnant right out of high school, Bella refusing to get away from a guy who admits to her face he feels urges to kill her solely because he's hot (or would "dazzling" be more appropriate?), and a werewolf falls in love with a newborn baby and promises to care for her until she is "of age" so he can woo her. If that wasn't horrifying enough, the baby conveniently happens to physically mature at an accelerated rate, and will look 17 when she is 7, so that's okay. No it's not.

I could accept this as a badly written book, but there are some things here that go beyond fantasy and reveal either a very naive or very twisted author. The series, which is written for girls nearing dating age, idolizes a textbook abusive relationship. Edward is controlling, prone to bursts of anger, moody, and jealous. He cuts her off socially, and she follows him like a blind puppy, expressing horror at the very concept of him leaving her. Or, you know, killing her. He justifies any wrongdoing against her with “It’s just because I love you” or “It’s what’s best for you.” As if that wasn't enough, he watches her while she sleeps. That's not sweet, that is stalkerish, and if a girl gets the idea that this is acceptable from Edward, she will be ignorant of a classic warning sign of a very dangerous person. It presents a risk of violence and abuse as an exciting obstacle that can be overcome with true love, and treats obsessiveness as romantic and flattering, which is a great mindset to have while being abused. I have enough confidence in human intelligence to know that fans of these books aren't all going to be eager to get into abusive relationships, but if the best thing I can say about the love story is "readers will probably be smart enough not to emulate the main character," that is not a good thing.

The Twilight series is a poorly written story of an obsessive relationship told by an unreliable narrator, but even with all this I could still ignore it. But there is one story aspect that I simply cannot overlook, one that fills me with such rage and disgust at the very thought of it that I feel true, genuine hatred for this series and its author. I am talking, of course, about sparkly vampires. That is not a joke. The vampires sparkle. They're not weak to sunlight, it makes them glitter. I could understand if it was a cringeworthy metaphor, but no. As if Edward wasn't already slathered in adjective and adverb vomit, he has to literally emit glowing rays of light to really drive the point home that he's pretty. For Pete's sake, even My Little Pony has the taste and common decency to forgo bioluminescence, and she's a horse who exists for no reason other than to look pretty. Edward, a humanoid, has no such excuse. For all the poor writing and warped notions of how romance works, it's the fact that Edward is basically a big piece of jewelry with a rocklike personality to match that drives the point home that these are bad books.

Sparkly. Vampires." - Cathexis, BZpower Member (If you're reading this, hope ya don't mind! =D)


For fuck's sake, Vampires have to drink Human blood, they are weak against sunlight, and usually, the urge to drink human blood will overcome any other emotion.

Are those present in the book? Don't think so.

And here's a thought, Edward has been around for a long time. Technically he's like 200 or so years old. Bella is what? 18?

That's pedophilia, I say! E.C. is a pedophile. =O

But that's not the point. The point is that WHY is everyone so crazy about the Twilight movie? Because it's based, on a book, that all fangirls flock to read. FFS, a movie of a book usually ends in tears, unless the director is super-cool.

Everything, anything, against Twilight, can be found here:


I resteth my case.

Let the fangirls kill me. I'd like that.

So get the killing started.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hive mind FTW

Hive mind speech rocks. Not only does it freak people out, it makes people think you are part of some SUPER SECRET EVIL CULT OF DOOM.

For those who doesn't know what EVIL hive mind speech is, here is an example:

"We choose not to do this, because this line of work would interfere with...*Dramatic pause* The hive..."

Of course, you must say it when you have no one with you, so you will sound DOUBLY EVIL! MUHAHAHA.

And for the record, let me just say that CSF stands for Catastrophic System Failure. Like what your computer should say right about...



Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm Incompetent! Wait...That doesn't sound right...


Must...Get...Special Edition Japanese Destroyer Yukikaze...

But it's bloody $90+. Dammit.

And...Ah. Uh....Um...



What did I wanna say again?


Ah well, back to being weird. Time to position USS Washington and HIJMS Kirishima in HISTORICALLY ACCURATE stances. Yatta!


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Imaginative title, eh?

Anyway, was wondering why I don't write down my daily 'exploits' on this blog thingamajiggy. You know, what you would expect to see on other blogs.

It's because, well, I don't know, maybe it's because my life is freaking BORING?

Seriously. Everyday. Wake up, play computer, play games, build lego stuff, watch tv, then sleep. Eating and toilet breaks are secondary.

Well, sometimes, like what I plan for tomorrow, I'll make a ship model or something like that. Tomorrow I'm gonna make the HIJMS(Bloody long designation) Kirishima, WWII Era battleship. Gonna position it with my existing USS Washington, the one that sank the Kirishima during the...Naval battle of Guadacanal...Methinks.

Anyway, won't bore you with this 'nerd' shite.

And bore you with what I did today instead. Just as bad, if not worse.

Today, as usual, I woke up at 12 noon. Bad habit. Gotta break it. Brushed my teeth, and zoom! Computer time for...7 hours so far. And watched a bit of TV...

Watching Mythbusters Shark Week special right now.

So I'm busy.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No one appreciates artistic talent

Until the artiste is dead and it's too late for compliments.

It's always that way.

Never gonna change.

Right? Yup.

And people never notice those that aren't popular or 'good' enough. In the eyes of the beholder, the publicly accepted one will always, never failing, appear brighter and better in comparison to the lesser known one. Is it not the way of humans?

It's always the same.


Screw that.

I just wanna be noticed. I'm bloody tired of being the insignificant dust speck.

*Crickets chirp*

Seriously, who the hell notices me in a group? I don't talk to other people much, when I do it's short sentences and usually devoid of emotion, nowadays. I'm not 'bright' or 'sporty', and not 'special' enough to be noticed.

But, what is 'special' anyway? Is it something others do not have? Something that is unique to you alone? Or it is just something that's rare?

Everyone's special? I think not.

We're all the same. Humans. Subtle talents and specific talents are overlooked in favour of outer-beauty and knowledge. Is that not how the way the world works?

If there's anyone that doesn't agree, they're bloody lying.

Subconsciously we work that way.

And will it change?

Doubt it.

I intend to.


It won't work, I bet.

Yours insignificantly,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The descent into insanity is gradual and hits you like a brick

'Ever feel like you have no one you can trust?'



'Dude, I always feel like that.'

Conversation between me and my Runescape clan-buddy. First line is his, then mine, and so on.

I guess it's that my 'solitary confinement' during my hols, and limited social interaction is getting to me. I mean, talking to yourself is NOT a good sign, contrary to popular belief. I barely talked to a real, living person not online.

That is uh...Not a good sign either.

Sigh...My own thoughts, stories, writings and characters were going to catch up with me one day. Just didn't know it would be so soon. I shouldn't have written so many stories on insanity and anti-heroes. Dang.

"Insanity is a gift and a curse." Kynreth mused and looked to the setting sun. The orange glow on his white armor with the swaying willow trees and soaring falcons made the whole scene surreal.

"Oh really?" His friend, Kyme asked and sat down next to him.

"Yep." Kynreth continued without looking at Kyme. "I mean, sanity-" He picked up a ball of mud. "-Is like this ball of mud. At first glance, it's sturdy and hard to break." Then he crushed it, and threw the bits onto the beach. "But then, like everything else, it can be broken. And once it's gone..." He looked to the horizon once again. "You become...Us, I guess."

Kyme said nothing.

Kynreth stood up and looked around. Then, once he was sure no one was listening, he continued, "Look at us, Kyme, I mean, you, me, Kirako and Klipsap. We're all not what we once were. Hapless, young, foolish target practice?" He drew his sword. "No longer. We've passed the brink of sanity, my friend. We're ruthless killers."

Kyme, once again, said nothing. Then, he slowly got to his feet, looked hard at Kynreth, and said a single sentence.

"Lay off the alcohol, dude."

Yep, the last sentence is just my little sense of humor, and yes, that is part of a story I'm writing, adapted to non-bionicle form. Otherwise it's a Bionicle fanfic. Unless you prefer a Runescape fanfic.

And yes, I actually have a shred of writing talent, thanks so much for underestimating me. No, really.

*rolls eyes*


It's like 3.30 am right now. And I gotta catch some shuteye. So goodnight/morning.



Auf Wiendesen (Lolwut? Spelling?)

Zai Zian

Caw caw cawwwwcaaaw(Birds and other large fowl. Lolcakes.)

And my Roflcopter still beats your lolcakes.
